Student Health & Safety Policy


The health and safety of our students are of paramount importance. This policy outlines the procedures and responsibilities to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment at our career college.



This policy applies to all students enrolled at our college.



  1. Administration:
    • Ensure compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation and standards.
    • Provide necessary resources and support for the implementation of health and safety procedures.
    • Conduct regular health and safety audits and inspections.
  2. Instructors and Staff:
    • Promote a culture of safety and health awareness among students.
    • Provide training and information on health and safety practices.
    • Report any health and safety hazards or incidents to the administration promptly.
  3. Students:
    • Adhere to all health and safety guidelines and procedures.
    • Report any health and safety concerns or incidents to instructors or staff.
    • Participate in health and safety training sessions as required.



  1. General Safety:
    • Maintain a clean and orderly learning environment.
    • Ensure all equipment and materials are used safely and appropriately.
    • Follow emergency procedures for fire, medical emergencies, and other critical situations.
  2. Health and Hygiene:
    • Practice good personal hygiene, including regular handwashing.
    • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as required for specific activities or courses.
    • Report any illness or health concerns to the administration immediately.
  3. Emergency Preparedness:
    • Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits.
    • Participate in emergency drills and follow instructions during actual emergencies.
    • Contact emergency services (911) if necessary and inform the administration.


Incident Reporting

  • Report all accidents, injuries, or near misses to an instructor or staff member immediately.
  • Complete an incident report form and submit it to the administration for review.


Health and Safety Training

  • All students will receive health and safety training during orientation and as part of their coursework.
  • Additional training sessions will be provided as needed based on specific course requirements or identified risks.


Review and Improvement

  • This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with any changes in legislation or college operations.
  • Feedback from students and staff will be used to continuously improve health and safety practices.

Contact Information: For any health and safety-related queries or to report an incident, please contact the administration office at 416-754-9866 (for 3390 Midland location) or 416-299-8585 (for training facilities at 4040 Finch Ave. East).

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