
The intent of this policy is to ensure that students of our College meet the necessary attendance requirements to achieve the required level of competence as stipulated by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and the Inter-jurisdictional Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators for Massage Therapists at Entry-to-Practice, applied to Massage Therapy Program only. This policy aligns with the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities regulations and the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) active participation policy.



This policy applies to all students enrolled in the College's programs, including practical, theory, clinical, and outreach courses. It outlines the procedures for recording attendance, managing absences, handling extenuating circumstances, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.



  1. Importance of Attendance
    • Students are expected to attend all classes to develop the competencies required for their profession.
    • While perfect attendance is ideal, students may miss classes within the limits imposed by the course requirements, which are approved by the Ministry.
  2. Recording Attendance
    • The school is responsible for ensuring attendance is taken and recorded for all classes.
    • Students must track their own attendance and ensure they meet course requirements.
    • In case of absences, students must obtain appropriate documentation (e.g., doctor’s note, obituary) and submit it to the school.
  3. Minimum Attendance Requirements
    • Practical or theory courses: Minimum attendance rate of 85%.
    • Clinical courses: 100% attendance required.
    • Students who do not meet the attendance requirements will not be eligible for supplemental examinations.
    • It is the student's responsibility to obtain all missed materials, handouts, notes, and practical curriculum for missed classes. Instructors will not re-teach missed classes.
  4. Extenuating Circumstances
    • Students with extenuating circumstances that justify an exception from the attendance requirements, and who have not missed more than 60% of the course, may apply to the Education Committee for an exception.
    • Notification must be in writing before the last day of classes and prior to the final examination.
    • The Education Committee will consider all factors, including the student’s efforts to meet course requirements and instructor recommendations.
  5. Clinics, Outreaches, Labs, and Other Public Events
    • Attendance Requirements: Specific attendance requirements for clinics, outreach, and labs are outlined in the clinic or outreach guidelines. Due to direct client interaction, it is imperative that students adhere to these requirements.
    • Absence Protocol:
      • For exceptional circumstances: Notify the program director and the supervisor at least 7 days in advance.
      • For illness: Notify both parties by email at least 24 hours in advance or by 6 am on the day of the shift.
      • Documentation may be requested to support absences. Students who fail to comply with the 100% attendance requirement for clinics or outreaches must make up extra sessions or repeat the course before progressing or graduating. Make-up sessions depend on schedule availability; the school is not responsible for creating substitute hours.
  6. Lateness or Early Departure
    • Students more than 15 minutes late or who leave early will be counted as absent for that period.
    • Students returning late from lunch must wait until the next scheduled break to re-enter the classroom.
  7. Class Cancellations
    • If it becomes necessary to cancel classes, outreach, or clinic sessions, the school will attempt to provide make-up classes or additional support equal to the missed hours.
    • Make-up class dates and times may differ from the normal schedule.
    • Students are responsible for attending make-up classes, and non-attendance may be treated as an absence.
    • The school does not reimburse missed class hours.
  8. Acceptable Documentation for Absences Acceptable documentation for absences includes:
    • Doctor’s notes
    • Police reports
    • Hospital records
    • Tow truck receipts
    • Death certificates
    • Prayer or memorial cards
    • Other documentation approved at the school’s discretion

These policies ensure that students meet the required attendance to succeed in their courses while providing flexibility for unavoidable absences. Compliance with this policy is crucial for maintaining eligibility for OSAP and adhering to the standards set by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

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